The Langbard Spells

The Langbard Spells are an oral retelling of the history of the Ancient Lombards, a Germanic people who occupied much of Italy for nearly two hundred years after the fall of the Roman Empire.

AD 783. Arichis is a prisoner of the Frankish King Karol (Charlemagne). While in captivity, he is sitting by a crackling fire, telling his listeners the incredible stories of his people, from their mythical origins in Scandana, an island of the far north, to their ultimate downfall at the hands of King Karol of the Franks (Charlemagne).

The Langbard Spells are based on the book by Paul the Deacon (Arichis’ brother), Historia Langobardorum, the History of the Lombards, written toward the end o the 8th century.

The Spells

Lopichis’ Spell – the tale of Lopichis, Arichis’ forefather who was chosen by the gods to be both a warrior and a storyteller, giving Arichis the right to sing and speak the Langbard Spells

Gambara’s Spell – the tale of the seeress Gambara who was, together with her two sons Ibor and Aighio, the first leader of the Langbards. It includes the song of Shining Sheave the Boat-borne, and also the story of how the Langbards, who were originally known as the Winils, earned their name.