About me…

I’ve been spinning yarn and weaving stories with it for most of my life, with both words and music. I guess you could say I’m a compulsive storyteller. This blog is a place for me to share the stories that come to me, and that I work hard on, that otherwise might not see the light. I hope you enjoy them!

Perhaps I can give an unusual and interesting touch to the stories I tell, being Australian born, raised in Darwin, and having lived in Italy, in the region of Lombardy, since 2001.

Since 2010 I have been chief researcher and writer with the Pavia-based cultural association, Il Mondo di Tels, and with the sister company I Viaggi di Tels. I am the Master History Walker of The Original History Walks®, a circuit of storytelling walking tours about history, art, literature and science, are present in 17 Italian cities, and 2 English cities. This experience has given me a great deal of insight into Italian history, language(s) and culture(s).

In 2014, in collaboration with Il Mondo di Tels, my novella Sibilla’s Wish was published, and then my first novel Edward, Il mistero del re di Auramala, also commissioned by Il Mondo di Tels, was published by Piemme Editions, Italy.

I studied singing and composition at Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia, and then composition at the Conservatorio ‘G. Verdi’ of Milan. My first ‘mini musical’, La Maga di Luton, was performed in Pavia and Milan in 2007, conducted by Maestro Rodrigo Marcias. I am currently hard at work on a full-scale musical called The Battle, about the Renaissance genius and polymath, Girolamo Cardano (but it’s also about Leonardo da Vinci and Shakespeare…), also in collaboration with Il Mondo di Tels.

I love cooking, swimming, and walking. All three of these activities give me time to think about my stories, too!